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In an achievement that epitomizes Morupule Coal Mine’s pledge to Zero Harm the Motheo Project recently reached the one million recordable injury free man-hours milestone. This means that all the workers involved in Motheo Project; contractors and MCM staff have worked a million hours without experiencing fatalities, lost time injuries, medical injuries or restricted time injuries.

Motheo is an expansion project established by Morupule Coal Mine to develop an open cast mine, a coal washing plant and associated infrastructure. The ultimate aim of the project is to facilitate MCM’s contribution to Botswana’s economic growth and transformation of coal into unlimited sources of energy. The project is envisaged to increase coal production capacity from the current 2.8 million tons to 3.8 million tons per annum.

The attainment of this milestone is at the backdrop of a robust SHE culture cultivated by MCM as a way of life for both contactors and employees. The mine is committed to being a safe operation through policies and initiatives that places the safety & health of employees and the environment as a priority. Some of the initiatives undertaken by MCM include collaboration with contactor SHE officials to enforce standards, regular SHE campaigns and stand-downs to re-energize workers. Management conduct regular walkabouts and employee engagements (Visible Felt Leadership walkabouts) to engage and give feedback to employees on SHE and general matters.

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