Outotec to modernise BCL’s nickel flash smelting furnace

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bcl smelterCopper/ nickel miner BCL has awarded Outotec a contract to modernise the nickel flash smelting furnace in Selebi Phikwe, Botswana. In addition, the parties have made a service level agreement for the operation and maintenance for a period of 36 months.

According to Outotec, the total value of contracts exceeds EUR 17 million and the orders has been booked in Outotec’s fourth quarter 2014 order intake.

“The modernization of BCL’s smelter demonstrates our commitment to being our customer’s partner over the life cycle of the investment, from initial technology delivery to shutdown services, upgrades, rebuild of the entire furnace, integrating modern technology and providing long-term maintenance services, thus continuously improving our customer’s productivity”, says Adel Hattab, President of Outotec’s EMEA region.

BCL’s original nickel smelter was built already in the 1970s using Outotec® Flash Smelting technology. The scope of Outotec’s modernization work includes the redesign of the flash smelting furnace, delivery of new advanced cooling elements and integrating them into the furnace. The service level agreement includes installation and commissioning supervision services, preventive maintenance planning, equipment maintenance and spare parts.

Outotec provides the mining industry with sustainable mineral processing solutions, from pre-feasibility studies to complete plants and life cycle services.

Its comprehensive offering makes the efficient and profitable treatment of virtually all ore types possible. With more than a century of experience, we have the heritage as well as the established R&D resources to continuously improve and develop sustainable technologies in-house.

“We design and deliver state-of-the-art mineral processing equipment, optimized processes, including intelligent automation and control systems, as well as complete plants. Fast and reliable ramp-up combined with long-term operation and maintenance services ensure that customers receive the best return on their investments.”

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