Lerala mine EIA transferred from DiamonEx to Kimberly subsidiary

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logo kimberlyKimberley Diamonds Ltd (KDL) said the Botswana Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has approved and completed the transfer of the authorisation of the previously approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


The EIA was transferred from DiamonEx Botswana, the previous owner of the Lerala Diamond Mine, to Lerala Diamond Mines Limited, KDL’s Botswana subsidiary and the current owner of the Lerala Diamond Mine.


“The transfer of this existing EIA permits KDL to undertake the planned upgrade of the plant, site infrastructure and the tailings storage facilities at the Lerala Diamond Mine,” it said.


The Lerala Diamond Mine is scheduled to re-commence production in mid-2015. Prior to the recommencement of production KDL is required to undertake a revision of the existing EIA and Environmental Management Plan.


KDL has completed a number of specialist environmental studies and intends to submit its final report to the DEA by the end of January 2015.


It is expected the new EIA will be obtained in May 2015, which should allow KDL to re-commence production at the Lerala Diamond Mine on schedule.

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