Orange Aliens

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orange alien 2The descent of a team of orange body stocking-clad men and women across both Gaborone, Francistown and Maun have created quite the stir. In true flash mob style, the bizarrely dressed men and women have been spotted seemingly appearing from out of the blue during peak hour traffic at various traffic junctions.

The ‘aliens’ as they have come to be called amongst the public, have attracted the attention of travelers and commuters trying to make sense of the spectacle. The public continue to be transfixed by the unusual stunt, with some even trying to draw connections with The Illuminati. They are reported to be walking through traffic in slow motion and posing in between cars in the middle of intersections.

Some members of the public have noted that the ‘aliens’ do not talk to anyone even when people try to engage with them. “They just go about being a bit strange but getting everyone’s attention. We want to know what or who they are what they’re doing! I’d almost forgotten to drive when it the police signaled it was our turn to go because I was so transfixed,” said one commuter who spotted an orange alien on her way to work at Airport Junction.

Given their choice colour of Orange, there has been some speculation that the stunt was driven by Orange Botswana. This is particularly so given the similarities between this and the Orange human mannequin activations of the past; however, there has been no official confirmation of this.

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