The executive management of NOSA and its holding company, MICROmega Holdings Limited, were once again honoured to host the 2013 annual NOSCAR awards held on Friday, 10th May 2013 at Summer Place in Illovo, Johannesburg.
“As an organisation, NOSA strives to enhance the values of the occupational risk management industry, while ensuring that the industry as a whole continues to grow and develop further. As such, we are honoured to recognise these incredible organisations as leaders in occupational safety, health and environmental management in their respective fields”, said NOSA Managing Director, Justin Hobday.
Karbochem (Pty) Ltd Sasolburg received special mention for their 29th NOSCAR; officially holding the record for the most NOSCARS earned by any organisation. Eskom Holdings Limited Generation Division Lethabo Power Station received commendation for their 17th NOSCAR. A full list of the NOSCAR winners is published at the end of this press release.
In his speech, Greg Morris, CEO of MICROmega, highlighted some of NOSA’s recent achievements. Morris emphasised NOSA’s commitment to investing in new products and services and the company’s strategy to broaden NOSA’s global reach. He further elaborated on the company’s strategy to consolidate certification and NOSA auditing under a single management team.
“The first NOSCAR was awarded 41 years ago and was introduced to give recognition to organisations that continuously commit to providing safe and healthy work environments for employees”, stated Hobday. “Recipients of this prestigious award are recognised internationally as organisations that show measurable and remarkable dedication in maintaining the highest levels of excellence in occupational risk management performance”.