LI Yong, the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and Dmitry Pristanskov, State Secretary — Vice President of PJSC Norilsk Nickel (Nornickel), signed a Joint Declaration to support environmentally-sound technologies in the metals industry.
“It is a significant step forward in our partnership with UNIDO”, said Pristanskov. “We are looking into opportunities to work together on a broad range of projects aimed at the reduction of environmental impact of the metals and mining industry and ensuring sustainable development in the regions of our operations and beyond”.
“We see a great potential in engaging with the private sector to maximize the capacities of partners to foster technology transfer and ensure an environmentally-friendly industrial development”, said Li. “We are confident that the Joint Declaration will bring positive outcomes in promoting Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices to tackle important industrial development issues”.
UNIDO is a specialised agency of the UN system with the mission to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing and transition countries as well as to advance international industrial cooperation. The organisation’s activities are structured based on the following priorities: creating shared prosperity, advancing economic competitiveness and safeguarding the environment.