Wilderness Safaris said it parted ways with the unnamed member of staff who was seen in a video violating an employee of the ecotourism group. The company said in a statement it was aware of the video circulating on social media of what appears to be a senior member of staff in a physical altercation with a fellow employee. Wilderness added it watched this video with as much disappointment and frustration as the public, for “we have zero tolerance for violence of any form and this is well documented in our Code of Conduct”.
The company revealed that although the video itself emerged recently, investigation of the issue confirms the incident took place in late 2019. “It was never formally or procedurally reported for the attention of the business, including by staff present at the time. Issues like lockdown and slow reopening of the camps since that time made it even more challenging to resolve rumours, despite conscious effort in this regard by Management,” Wilderness said.
“The conduct of the senior member of staff in this matter is not acceptable, irrespective of any lapse by a staff member. We have separated ways with the senior individual, in line with requisite protocols and regulation; we have further sought the advice of the Department of Labour and Botswana Police. The staff member who was assaulted is no longer with Wilderness Safaris; his matter was addressed via internal Human Resources processes for lapses thereof; these have been concluded.”
“We will reengage with all our valued staff to reiterate our well-documented zero tolerance policy in respect of violence and of measures in place to try to ensure these incidents do not occur again, as well as platforms for confidential reporting of any issues or concerns.
“This is not a matter we are taking lightly, for violence of any form has no place in our business or our communities.”