MOD Resources’ T3 Mine ESIA Progresses To Public Review

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MOD Resources Ltd and its 100% owned Botswana subsidiary Tshukudu Metals Botswana Pty Limited (Tshukudu) have provided an update on the progress made in the permitting process for the proposed T3 Copper Mine.

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has now finalised its assessment of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed T3 open pit mine, concluding that “it has adequately identified and assessed anticipated impacts associated with the proposed activity” and will formally release the ESIA for public review.

The public review comprises four-week period when comments from parties who may be impacted by the proposed T3 mine can be made to the DEA. Following the review period the ESIA is expected to be approved and Tshukudu should be in a position to apply for a Mining Licence.

MOD Managing Director, Julian Hanna said the release of the ESIA for public review is a very important milestone towards being granted a Mining Licence for the proposed T3 Open Pit mine and processing plant. 

“DEA has maintained an open and streamlined review process and the ESIA has received a high level of scrutiny which has involved consultation with many stakeholders in the district. The outcome is a testament to the quality of work that our staff and consultants in Perth and Botswana have produced,” said Hanna.

“The T3 Copper Mine is expected to be a significant contributor to the local Ghanzi economy for many years, while operating to the highest health, safety and environmental standards. We recognise the importance of a robust consultation and approvals process and our Community Relations team has done an outstanding job in conveying the significant and lasting value that we expect to bring to the region.” 

Additionally, DEA has provided comments on the Environmental Management Plan (“EMP”) for the expansion of the Ghanzi accommodation camp to accommodate T3 construction and operational personnel. These comments will be addressed by the Company and its environmental consultant Loci Environmental and a revised draft of the EMP will submitted to DEA in the coming weeks. If the EMP is approved, the accommodation camp is expected to be expanded to accommodate up to 400 personnel.

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