Eight German Companies In Solar Photovoltaic Sector Visit Botswana

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Sunset Solar will be in Botswana also (Pic By httpwww.sunset-solar.de)

Sunset Solar will be in Botswana also (Pic By httpwww.sunset-solar.de)

Local companies and government officials will learn a thing or two from a high powered delegation from businesses in German SolarPhotovoltaic industry who will be visiting Botswana this month. Through the “renewables – Made in Germany” initiative, eight German companies in the solar photovoltaic and energy storage sector will be visiting Gaborone from the 18th- 19th February 2016.


“Not only will they engage with public authorities to forge partnerships, but they will also have the chance to present their products and services to a number of local companies and participants,” said Jens Hauser, Manager SADC, Sustainable Energy Competence Centre.

According to a press release, this will be followed-up by bilateral meetings with interested Botswana companies to discuss joint business opportunities. Participants on the business trip include Asantys Systems, Autarsys GmbH, Hoppecke Batterien GmbH & Co. KG, Schletter GmbH, SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH, SolarWorld Africa Pty Ltd, Sunset Energietechnik GmbH, QinousGmbH, together they cover all stages of the solar photovoltaic value chain.

QinousGmbH is part of the delegation (Pic By httpwww.qinous.comhome)

QinousGmbH is part of the delegation (Pic By httpwww.qinous.comhome)

Starting with a half day conference on 18th February at the Lansmore Hotel in Gaborone, German companies will have the opportunity to present their products and services to Botswana companies and participants. Bilateral meetings will subsequently connect German with local companies to discuss opportunities for joint business.

The business delegation visiting through the“ renewables – Made in Germany” initiative will be implemented by the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its Competence Centre: Sustainable Energy and Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Botswana and other countries in the region continue to experience power shortages and potential electricity price hikes, and renewable energies are a real alternative for the country and the region.

“Thanks to favorable sunny conditions, solar photovoltaic (PV) is an especially attractive option. Botswana has abundant solar energy resources, with 320 cloudless days and receiving over 3,200 hours of sunshine per year with an average insulation on a horizontal surface of 5.8kWh/m², one of the highest rates of insulation in the world. The PDP sees Botswana as an ideal location to offer know-how and services in the solar energy sector, especially in the field of PV and PV-hybridsystems.”

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