Botswana Innovation Hub launches First Steps Venture Centre

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BIH CEO, Mr. Alan Boshwaen

BIH CEO, Mr. Alan Boshwaen

The Botswana Innovation Hub is launching First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC), a technology entrepreneurship development programme for identifying, developing and nurturing viable technology oriented start-up businesses with a potential to grow into international markets. The launch is slated for Friday the 08th of November at Riverwalk’s New Capitol Cinema.

FSVC occupies a niche in the Botswana Innovation Hub sector areas.

FSVC Programme Manager_Mr Tshepo Tsheko

FSVC Programme Manager_Mr Tshepo Tsheko

The services offered by the technology entrepreneurship development programme are targeted to individuals or start-up companies with workable business ideas that have the potential to create jobs, revitalize their communities, commercialize new technologies, and strengthen/diversify the local and national economy.

Said the FSVC’s Programme Manager Mr Tshepo Tsheko “The First Venture Centre is an incubation programme like no other. Our aim is to drive and support entrepreneurship that is innovative. This programme will be the first of its kind in Botswana and we will benefit from

operating under the auspices of the Botswana Innovation Hub”.

FSVC helps incubatees successfully navigate the common challenges that every entrepreneur face: scarce capital, elusive markets, intense competition and limited resources. Provision of such support is essential as it has been proven that the average success rate of new start-ups going through business incubation is better than those that are not. The FSVC programme also provides “soft landing” – services for foreign companies to step into the regional market.

Botswana Innovation Hub CEO Mr Alan Boshwaen concluded “It is said that innovation means technologies or practices that are new to a given society. They are not necessarily new in absolute terms. These technologies or practices are being diffused in that economy or society. It is to this end that the FSVC programme will serve to improve innovation and entrepreneurship in Botswana. We look forward and are excited to see it grow nationwide”.

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