Botswana govt tells Discovery Metals to cease deepening Zeta open pit

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Discovery Metals Limited says it has temporarily adjusted its pit development plans after receiving notice from the Botswana Department of Mines, Minerals, Energy and Water Resources to cease deepening of the Zeta open pit.

According to DML, the notice was given as a result of a localised failure of an interim pit wall situated in the hanging wall overburden at the Zeta open pit.

“This minor pit failure did not result in injury or damage to equipment and did not significantly disrupt mining operations. However, Discovery Metals in conjunction with the Department has been investigating this matter and Discovery Metals is supportive of the approach requested by the Department until a full geotechnical investigation has been completed,” Discovery Metals says.

It says it is currently reviewing what impacts, if any, this may have on short term mining schedules and production.

Currently, processing operations are continuing with ore fed to the mill from stockpiles from the upper portions of the Zeta pit.

“Mining operations continue in the higher benches of the Zeta open pit. These operations include the use of additional hired mining fleet that has been engaged to accelerate mining.”

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