Tlou Energy To Complete Lesedi Transmission Line By 2023

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Construction activities for the transmission line to connect the Lesedi Power Project to the Botswana power grid have commenced.

Zismo Engineering Pty Ltd have completed their preliminary work and bush clearing of the route is underway. Preliminary work included site handover, assembling the project team and resources, mobilisation of plant and equipment, line survey and design, pole structure modelling, and review and approval by Tlou’s Owners Engineer, Mott MacDonald.

Zismo has also commenced procurement of equipment which includes manufacture of steel and wooden poles, cross-arms, line hardware, fittings, stay wire and assemblies. Equipment will be delivered in batches, with the first delivery of wooden poles expected next month.

Zismo’s project site offices are set-up in Mogorosi village and a roving site camp will be located at convenient locations along the transmission line route.


Work commenced with route preparation which includes bush clearing as mentioned above, as well as installation of farm gates where required, line pegging, inspection and approval.

Erection of poles will be performed in sections with work commencing on the Serowe end of the line and working towards Lesedi. Work on the first section is due to commence at the end of June and on section two around the end of September 2022. The line is expected to use approximately 650 wooden poles and 80 steel structures involving excavation, positioning, assembly, dressing, planting, backfilling and compacting, and thereafter stringing, tensioning and regulation.  This will be followed by testing and commissioning and ultimately line energisation.

Work on the transmission line is scheduled for completion in mid-2023, with the substations at either end of the transmission line expected to be completed in the second half of 2023. Sale of electricity can start thereafter.

“It is great to have the transmission line work underway in the field. Our team will be very busy onsite over the coming months and I look forward to seeing the project develop,” Tlou’s Managing Director, Tony Gilby said.

“We are firmly on track to becoming a regional power producer in a market with a huge power demand and at a time where worldwide demand for gas and cleaner energy is growing significantly.” 

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