It Is All This Jazz As GIMC Kicks In Style

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The Jazz Festival forming part of this year’s Gaborone International Music and Culture Week (GIMC) brought Stanbic Bank Piazza alive this weekend, as heavyweight artists took to the stage as part of the annual GIMC festivities. Sponsored by Stanbic Bank, the Jazz Festival featured a renowned line up of artists from both local and international scenes, all of whom had attendees in admiration of the raw talent before them.

Jonathan Buttler at the GIMC Jazz Festival

Jonathan Buttler at the GIMC Jazz Festival

Leading the charge of talented performers was Jonathan Butler, South African singer-songwriter and guitarist known primarily for his R&B jazz-fusion. Sereetsi and The Natives, who continue to earn great acclaim following release of their album “Four String Confessions,” proved equally mesmerising. Lastly, the truly Botswana Ensemble, most befitting in this fiftieth year of celebration of Botswana’s heritage and talent, had audiences captivated by the sheer range and magnitude of talent. The Ensemble comprised Ndingo Johwa, Lekofi Sejeso, Nnunu Ramogotsi, Lister Boleseng, and Banjo Mosele, all of whom have already earned strong followings in their own right.

Re Batswana Music Ensemble performing at the GIMC Jazz Festival

Re Batswana Music Ensemble performing at the GIMC Jazz Festival

 Leina Gabaraane, Chief Executive of Stanbic Bank Botswana, “This was a remarkable event that really brought the true wealth of African jazz talent to the fore. We are so excited to have been able to share this, with GIMC organisers and Batswana.” Stanbic Bank Botswana Board, EXCO and key clients were further treated to a VIIP lounge experience at the Stanbic Bank Piazza, which continues to play host to some of the biggest theatrical and musical events in Gaborone today.

 “This was an opportunity for us to network with our customers and partners in a lively, incredible setting, as just one means of showing appreciation for their loyalty and support of the Bank over the years. At the same time and on the back of an already strong support for jazz across Africa at group level, this provided an opportunity, one we will continue to embrace into the future, to recognise, appreciate and help grow Botswana’s musical talents,” said Gabaraane.

 “I am also delighted at the success of the event especially at how well the local artists performed. Corporates like Stanbic Bank play a huge role in the growth of arts and culture in Botswana and sponsoring GIMC is one such way it assists the industry,” said Thapelo Pabalinga, organiser of the annual event.

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