MICROmega Adds Aspirata To Its Portfolio

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MICROmega CEO, Greg Morris (Pic By www.linkedin.com)

MICROmega CEO, Greg Morris (Pic By www.linkedin.com)

MICROmega Holdings says it has purchased Aspirata, formerly a subsidiary of Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The Centurion-based Aspirata will complement and enhance the risk management, training, consulting and auditing services currently provided by NOSA, a leading global supplier of occupational risk management services and solutions and a subsidiary of MICROmega.

Aspirata, which conducts nearly 1,700 real-time, web-based and computerised audits a month, operates extensively in the food safety and microbiological laboratory testing sectors.

“These services will dovetail perfectly with those of NOSA, which currently does not provide training or auditing in these areas,” NOSA Global Holdings CEO, Duncan Carlisle said. Aspirata can provide certification against the ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management Accreditation and FSSC 22000:2011 Food Safety System Certification.

“By incorporating Aspirata’s skills into the extensive and internationally recognised NOSA infrastructure, we can fully attend to issues around food safety management, which is fast becoming a major global industry and an area of risk that needs constant and urgent addressing.”

Aspirata – which is accredited by SANAS and the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) – has long-established clients in the large retail, manufacturing and processing, and construction sectors.

Aspirata’s staff comprises specialist auditors accredited against international standards, as well as environmental health specialists, microbiologists and food technologists. There is growing pressure on major retailers to have their suppliers audited against a number of global food and laboratory standards. “By working with its extensive regional infrastructure in South Africa and across the continent and utilising Aspirata’s expertise in this regard, NOSA will be well positioned to focus on alleviating this pressure,” added MICROmega CEO, Greg Morris.

Aspirata, whose primary SETA is FoodBev, has a state of the art laboratory which currently analyses more than 2,500 samples a month with results submitted via its customised laboratory information management system (LIMS).


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